10 Minute Fat Burning HIIT Workout

If you don’t have a lot of time, but still want to fit your workout in, this 10 minute fat burning HIIT workout is just perfect for you!

10 Minute Fat Burning HIIT Workout

Personally, I love this 10 minute fat burning HIIT workout because it works your whole body and has you feeling really pumped up after! Plus, one circuit only takes 10 minutes…so no excuses of not having enough time!

I like to repeat the circuit 3 times, but if you’re a beginner – you can definitely start out with one. Trust me, you will still feel the burn.

But before we get into all of the details, you may be wondering what exactly is a HIIT workout…



What Is HIIT?

First of all, HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training. Basically, it involves short bursts of high-intensity exercises combined with low-intensity recovery periods.

So, if you are someone who is always short on time, HIIT is perfect for you. In fact, HIIT is, in general, as really great way of working out for many other reasons:

It Burns A Lot Of Calories In A Short Amount Of Time

According to this study, HIIT burns 25-30% more calories than other forms of exercise. So, if you were to compare, for example, 30 minutes of jogging and 30 minutes of HIIT training – you would burn more calories doing HIIT.

You Continue To Burn Calorie Even After You’re Done Exercising
One of the most popular reasons why people choose HIIT training is because you continue to burn calories even after you are done working out.

This is due to the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption effect. Basically, this means that after you are done working out, your body needs more oxygen to replace energy and repair the muscle proteins that were damaged during your workout. This way, your metabolism stays elevated and your body continues to burn calories for hours after you finished training.

Helps You Lose Fat

HIIT training has been proven in numerous studies to help you lose fat. In fact, even after your workout is complete, your body taps into fat storage to replace the energy you have used up.

It Can Reduce Heart Rate & Blood Pressure
HIIT isn’t just good for weight loss – it’s good for your health in general too. Various studies have proven that it can help reduce blood pressure and heart rate for overweight and obese people. In fact, this study  even found that HIIT training can be more effective in reducing blood pressure than moderate-intensity training.

What You’ll Need For This Workout:

Mat or towel to lay on the floor
Bench or chair
How It Works:
It’s pretty simple, actually. Just perform each of the exercises in order for 45 seconds each. Rest for 15 seconds between the exercises. Once you’re finished with all 10 exercises – that is one circuit. Repeat for a total of up to 3 circuits, depending on your fitness level.

And don’t forget to warm up before the workout!

Fat Burning HIIT Workout:

1. Jumping Jacks (45 Seconds)

2. Squats (45 Seconds) 

Rest for 15 seconds. 

3. Push-Ups (45 Seconds) 

Rest for 15 seconds. 

4. Divider Sit (45 Seconds) 

Rest for 15 seconds. 

5. Triceps Dips (45 Seconds) 

Rest for 15 seconds. 

6. Thrusts (45 Seconds) 

Rest for 15 seconds. 

7. Board (45 econds) 

Rest for 15 seconds. 

8. Seat Step-Ups (45 Seconds) 

Rest for 15 seconds. 

9. Crunches (45 Seconds) 

Rest for 15 seconds. 

10. Hikers (45 Seconds) 

Rest for 15 seconds. 

Furthermore, there you have it! A speedy and simple 10 moment fat consuming HIIT exercise. Do it once, do it multiple times, do it at the rec center, do it at home – it's amazingly adaptable and that is the thing that we adore about it to such an extent! 

Be that as it may, don't depend on this HIIT exercise to do all the weight reduction work for. There is quite a lot more to weight reduction than extends a 10 moment fat consuming HIIT exercise. 

So as to get in shape effectively, you need to give close consideration to your eating regimen, every day water admission, feelings of anxiety, rest, practice plan, thus considerably more! Essentially, what I'm attempting to state here is that you need an arrangement. For example, The 2 Week Diet. 

Let me simply state – I could never prescribe an item that I don't really trust in. Also, this 2 Week Diet Plan truly is one that merits the cash. Without further ado, here's the reason. 

Not at all like most get-healthy plans that utilization the one-size-fits-all methodology, The multi week Diet Plan will give you basic guidelines customized for your one of a kind body type. 

The outcome? You will lose in any event 6 lbs of muscle to fat ratio in only 2 weeks. 

What's more, in the event that you don't? They offer a 100% no inquiries posed to unconditional promise! 

There is actually nothing to lose here folks… with the exception of your weight! 😉 

Presently, I'm not going to attempt to persuade you to purchase the item, yet on the off chance that you truly are not kidding about weight reduction – I profoundly prescribe you at any rate investigate. Such a large number of individuals have shed pounds with this program, thus can you. 

Along these lines, in the event that you are at last done stalling…

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