20+ Weight Loss Smoothies To Make You Slim Down In A Flash

Are you looking to lose weight drinking healthy weight loss smoothies? Smoothies are a great way to make sure you are getting all of your nutrients simply and easily in one glass.

I mean c’mon, what good is it to be skinny if you’re compromising your health while getting there? It’s actually a lot easier than you’d think to go from “healthy weight loss smoothie” to “sugar-filled glass of thick juice.”

It is so important to make sure that you’re making yourself healthy, balanced smoothies that have all the right levels of nutrients in them, especially if you’re planning on replacing meals regularly with them, instead of only doing 1-2 per week!

As you’ll see from the list below, it’s entirely possible to create your own delicious weight loss smoothie plan, with something new every day to keep things interesting! Bring on the easy weight loss smoothies and bring on the happier, healthier you!

Pairing this with a good exercise regimen is a sure-fire way to help you shed fat and slim down.

You can also get the fastest results going on an all smoothie diet!



Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes

Whether you’re looking for green smoothies for weight loss, detox smoothies to shed belly weight, weight loss smoothies with protein powder, or even weight loss smoothies for breastfeeding moms, it’s a guarantee that you can find something that will work for you!

Enjoy these 10 weight loss smoothie recipes that will keep you healthy and satisfied.

*Make it a point to keep track of the nutritional and caloric value of these smoothies versus your recommended daily calories (you can use this calorie calculator to get a baseline to work from).

If you find that you’re constantly feeling too full, or if you’re not losing weight despite portion control, you likely need to increase your exercise and/or reduce the size of your smoothie meal.

(Make sure you talk with your doctor before starting any new exercise regimen!)

Beet Detox Smoothie Delight

Burgundy colored weight loss smoothie with beets in a glass with a straw

Have you tried beets in a while? Why not try beets in a smoothie mixed with fruit.

Beets are high in folate, potassium, and fiber, to name a few, making them excellent for your health (and making this a great option if you’re looking for a weight loss smoothie for breastfeeding)!

They’re also high in vitamin C, which is good to keep you healthy and help fight off sickness.

Immunity Boosting Triple Berry Kiwi Smoothie

aerial view of a red smoothie topped with kiwi slice and blueberries

Feeling like you are starting to get sick? I work in a school so I constantly feel like I might be coming down with something.

The Pretty Bee has created an immune-boosting smoothie which is perfect for weight loss because it will keep you healthy.

The last thing you want is to be on a weight loss journey and have your health turn on you. Drink this when you’re feeling any immune system changes.

Since pregnancy lowers your immune system capabilities, this is also another great weight loss smoothie for breastfeeding moms. You’ll know you’re getting great nutrition AND doing extra to help protect you and baby from germs!

Anti-Inflammatory Red Smoothie

A lot of people don’t realize how much inflammation in different parts of your body can affect your weight loss efforts. Mixing a smoothie like this in once in a while is a great way to make sure that the inside of your body is getting the attention it needs to keep working in tip-top shape, too!

Healthy Pineapple Smoothie with Banana
orange drink being poured from glass jar into drinking glass

Mixing vegetables in with your smoothie is an excellent option – the only thing better than a super healthy smoothie for breakfast is one that helps you get those pesky vegetables out of the way sooner!!

This simple smoothie has just 5 ingredients. It is a little higher in calories, but worth it with all the healthy ingredients.

This is the perfect choice for seeing excellent results not just in weight loss, but in overall health improvement.

Grapefruit Citrus Ginger Smoothie

peach colored smoothie in a glass topped with seeds and a cut grapefruit in the background

There’s a reason people always think “eat grapefruit for breakfast” when they think of diets and weight loss.

Here’s a MUCH better (tastier!) way to do the same thing with an easy to make smoothie!

Recently, I have been loving ginger! Interestingly, it’s a natural appetite suppressant, which means it will help curb your appetite and make you feel fuller longer, making this recipe just about the perfect, filling weight loss smoothie!

Skinny Pumpkin Banana Smoothie

skinny pumpkin banana weight loss smoothie

I feel like this is the PERFECT smoothie recipe for fall — I’ll be craving my favorite Pumpkin Spice Latte but it’s SO full of sugary calories! This recipe would be ideal for getting my pumpkin fix on, but still putting weight loss and health first!

Banana Oatmeal Smoothie

I feel like this might be just about the most ideal weight loss smoothie recipe ever — it’s super simple to make, it’s got the perfect taste and texture, and it uses ingredients that are SO affordable, no matter the time of year! (Let’s face it — berry smoothies are delicious but berries are definitely expensive!)

Pineapple Smoothie

I love that you can feel like you’re already on that tropical vacation that you’re trying to slim down for….while you’re still working on slimming down!

Mix this smoothie into your weekly smoothie menu so you get a tasty little dose of extra motivation to lose weight before your next vacation!

Fresh Lemon Ginger Detoxifying Smoothie

lemon ginger detoxifying weight loss smoothie

People go crazy for a good detox program, and with good reason — it works! The only problem with most of the detox programs is that they focus more on results than on the actual health value of what you’re putting into (or rather, not putting into) your body.

A good detox weight loss smoothie is an excellent way to get the same benefits but while being sure that you’re taking good care of yourself at the same time!

Pineapple Paradise Spinach Smoothie
pineapple avocado and spinach on cutting board next to two glass jars filled with green smoothies and pineapple chunks

I think by now we all know that green smoothie recipes for weight loss and detox DO work. The only hard part to swallow is the thought of putting spinach in your smoothie.

I have to be honest with you. A while back I tried spinach in my smoothie. I thought it was all I was going to taste. The opposite actually happened — it was so flavorful and the spinach mixed in so smoothly!

Spinach is absolutely packed with great nutrients, making this superfood smoothie one your body will thank you for!

Green Detox Smoothie Recipe

Ah, the dreaded “green smoothie.” Something about smoothies in this color seems to make people run the other way, but as I said before, it really is DELICIOUS! I don’t understand why the green color makes us all hesitant to try it, but I promise you, again, that you’ll honestly be hooked after just one taste!

Layered Mixed-Berry Green Power Smoothie

dual layer smoothie with purple on bottom and green on top with two green straws

How cool is this double-decker drink? The first layer is blueberries and raspberries, and the second layer is kiwi and mango. This recipe also calls for vanilla protein powder. We love Designer Whey Protein Powder and a little goes a long way.

If you’re wondering how to make smoothies with frozen fruit, this is definitely the first one I’d recommend you try. You could even make this weight loss smoothie without protein powder for a healthy, summery drink at your next party!

Blueberry Protein Weight Loss Smoothie

It’s a fact that the thicker your smoothie is, the more satiated (less hungry) you’ll feel when you’re done eating it!

There’s just something in our brains that makes us put together that food is thick (and maybe even needs chewing), so if you can have a nice rich smoothie like this but still maintain the weight loss benefits from it, it’s a big win!

Blue Banana Smoothie

There’s something about blueberries that makes just about everyone happy. They’re tasty, just the right amount of sweet, and have just the right amount of other nutritional values to make them earn their title of “superfood!”

Blueberry Banana Oatmeal Smoothie

If you’re looking for another weight loss smoothie with simple ingredients, then look no further!

This is also another superfood smoothie! Blueberries have great antioxidants in them that you won’t get with other foods.

Adding in oatmeal makes this the perfect on-the-go weight loss smoothie for breakfast!

Oh yeah, are you wondering if any of these recipes will tell you how to make a smoothie with yogurt? Although you could probably use any kind, this recipe, in particular, uses Greek yogurt – as if it didn’t have enough amazing healthy ingredients, to begin with!

Mexican Chocolate Breakfast Shake 

mexican chocolate breakfast weight reduction shake

Lift your hand in the event that you appreciate a delightful, conceivably chocolate-enhanced, rich espresso as a scrumptious treat to begin your day! (I have both of mind raised.)

Supplant that calorie-overwhelming latte or frosted cappuccino with this chocolate breakfast shake and you will see a major change in your wellbeing yet with no loss of taste! You could even include a touch of moment espresso in the event that you genuinely need the caffeine "lift me-up."

French Toast Breakfast Protein Shake 

looking down at stemmed glass with French toast smoothie bested with whipped cream, cinnamon, and a straw with obscured plate of nourishment in foundation.

Pause… I thought this rundown was for weight reduction? It is! How delectable does this french toast smoothie sound and look? With a flavor this way, this must be THE weight reduction smoothie for meticulous eaters!

Also that at just 180 calories, this smoothie is an incredible dinner substitution to help spare your calories for some other time.

On the other hand, I may spare this flavorful formula to be sweet and sneak this weight reduction smoothie before bed!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Shake 

chocolate shaded smoothie with pink straw bested with banana cuts and scaled down chocolate chips

The majority of my three most loved flavors combined into a heavenly smoothie. Is there a superior mix than chocolate and nutty spread? At the point when a banana is added to the blend it places the flavors into a super impact.

With a rich flavor and thick surface, you may overlook that you're not drinking a milkshake! This tasty weight reduction smoothie with almond milk gets taken up a score on the off chance that you substitute with vanilla almond milk!

Exemplary Vanilla Weight Loss Smoothie 

On the uncommon possibility that you could do without chocolate yet despite everything you're searching for a more milkshake-like weight reduction smoothie, at that point this is really the ideal formula for you!

You could without much of a stretch hurl in a couple of berries to change the flavor to move toward becoming something somewhat more "vivid," so this is an extraordinary formula to keep helpful as a decent "base" formula!

Nut Lovers Cashew Date Smoothie 

The vibe of this cashew date smoothie makes me think about a beverage from Starbucks. Be that as it may, in this weight reduction smoothie, it contains dates.

Dates are incredible for weight reduction in light of the fact that the high fiber helps keep you managed.

Be that as it may, pause, since this formula shows signs of improvement. Regardless of whether because of need or to decision, in case you're sans dairy… this formula is as well! Give it a shot this end of the week!

Cake Batter Smoothie 

Truly, you read that right. Indeed, it's really a sound smoothie since it's sans sugar and just takes 5-fixings.

Truly, I'll pause while you read it again a couple of times, slobber, tidy that up, and return.

The mystery fixing here? Cake Batter seasoned protein powder. For what reason did I not realize this existed before now?!

Reward: 3-Ingredient Breakfast Smoothie Ideas 

Need a snappy three-fixing weight reduction smoothie to make before taking off the entryway? This rundown from Focus Fitness is mind blowing with such huge numbers of various alternatives. I unquestionably stuck this one for some other time!

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