Blast Calories and Build Muscle in 30 Minutes

The Two-for-One Training Plan

Why spend an hour sweating at the gym when you can finish an effective fat-burning, muscle-building routine in just 30 minutes? This two-in-one plan delivers the boost of endorphins you get from cardio and the definition that comes from resistance training while also elevating your metabolism for up to 24 hours after your last rep. It’s the most efficient way to get fit and feel fabulous!

How it works: After warming up for 5 minutes, do 1 set of each exercise back to back. Once you've completed the full circuit, rest 1 minute, and repeat 2 more times. For best results, do this workout two to three days a week.

You'll need: Two pairs of dumbbells (one heavy and one light), a jump rope, and a rowing machine.



Walking Lunges

Reps: 10 per side

Grab a pair of dumbbells (15 to 25 pounds) and take a big step forward with right leg. Bend both knees to lower into a lunge, keeping weight in front heel. Press through front heel to stand and immediately step left foot forward into a lunge. Continue "walking" forward until you've completed 10 reps on each leg, keeping torso upright and shoulders draw down and back the entire time.

Split Jumps

1 minute

Come into a lunge position with left leg forward, both knees bent. Swing arms by sides and explosively drive off the ground, switching feet in the air.

Land softly with opposite foot forward in a lunge position. Continue jumping off the ground, switching front foot each time, for 1 minute.

Single-Leg Deadlift Rows

Reps: 10 per side

Grab a 10- to 20-pound dumbbell in left hand and shift weight onto right leg. Take a slight bend in right knee and hinge forward at hips as you allow left leg to raise straight behind hip. Lower torso until parallel with the ground or until you feel a stretch in right hamstring. Be sure to engage glutes the entire time.

Holding the deadlift position, perform a row by bending left elbow straight toward the ceiling and bringing the weight up to chest height. Keep belly button drawn in toward the spine. Slowly extend left arm back to straight. Keep glutes engaged as you return to standing. That's one rep. Do 10 reps on each side.

Jump Rope

1 minute

Jump rope as fast as possible for 1 minute. Keep shoulder blades down and back. Rotate the rope with wrists, not arms, and keep core engaged the entire time.

Squat Presses 

Reps: 15

Snatch a couple of 8-to 15-pound hand weights and hold them at chest stature, feet somewhat more extensive than hip width, toes marginally turned out. Curve knees and move hips back to bring down into a squat, keeping chest lifted.

Come back to standing and press the hand weights legitimately overhead. Lower hand weights to come back to beginning position. That is one rep. Complete 15 reps all out.

Squat Jumps 

1 moment

Curve knees, move hips back, and swing arms by sides. Dangerously drive off the ground, bouncing as high as you can noticeable all around. Land delicately with knees somewhat bowed and chest lifted. Go directly into the following bounce, violently driving off the ground. Rehash development for 1 moment.

Biceps Curls 

Reps: 10

Get a couple of 10-to 20-pound hand weights and stand tall with feet hip-width separated. Twist the loads up to shoulder stature. Gradually drop down to beginning position, keeping elbows in by sides and shoulder bones down and back the whole time. Complete 10 reps.

Paddling Machine 

1 moment

Line at a quick pace for 1 moment. Keep center connected with and chest up the whole time.

On the off chance that you don't approach a paddling machine, snatch your hop rope and rehash the 1-minute cardio impact you did previously.

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