Weight Loss Starts From the Inside Out

Have you ever tried to solve your dandelion problem by mowing your lawn?

We all know what a ludicrous idea that is. Not only will they just come right back, you’ll likely make the problem worse by spreading the seeds.

To solve a dandelion problem, you have to pull out the root!

Weight loss has to start from our soul and spirit, otherwise it will never last!



It’s no different with weight loss.

Weight gain and obesity are most often directly related to the soul and spirit. While we are all made to be different sizes, and some may never be a size 2 or 4, it is not healthy for our spirit, soul or body to be 30, 40 or more pounds over our healthy weight.

This extra weight is not only hard on our joints and internal organs, it acts as an unhealthy insulation and barrier.

It insulates us from having to invest in healthy, satisfying relationships.

It is a barrier in our relationship with God because it is a clear indicator that there are unresolved issues in our hearts.

Trying to resolve weight issues with weight loss programs, without having first resolved the inner issues of the soul and spirit, is no different than mowing over your field of dandelions.

When I look back over the selfies I took during my weight loss journey, it is clear that in 2015 something clicked in me; because suddenly my excess weight began to drop off. The yo-yo stopped.

What clicked inside me in 2015?
I began to ask myself very hard, probing questions about when my weight gain began and why. It was then that I realized that every time my weight spiked it correlated with a trauma or difficult circumstance in my life.

The correlation was unmistakable.

Food was my comforter.

The problem was that after I moved on from the pain the desire for soothing food was still there.

Studies show that refined sugar and certain foods high in carbohydrates are highly addictive. I believe this, because while I have made great strides in overcoming comfort eating, I still find my desire for soothing food extremely hard to resist.

In fact, I have found it much harder to overcome this than my addiction to caffeine.

My defining moment was in the summer of 2015.

I was sitting in church and while I cannot tell you what the sermon was about, the speaker referred to this verse:

“It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ”

Suddenly the question hit me, “What do I live by? Do I live by my emotions or do I truly live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God?”

I have a question for you.

What drives your physical appetites? Your soul or your spirit?

Weight loss has to start from our soul and spirit. We must identify why we are eating, otherwise it will never last!
You see, the answer to this will give you the key to unlock the door to freedom. I believe that for most of us, our soul drives our physical appetites. Our mind, our imagination that is out of control and driven by fear, pain, and negativity. Our will that has never been properly exercised to resist those things that are not good for us, and to do those things (exercise) that are good for us. Our emotions that fluctuate with with the wind and have never been brought under control so that we are more even keel.

So when our spirit isn't under the purview of the Holy Spirit as long as we can remember ends up wild on the grounds that our hungers are driven by a spirit that is crazy. Since a spirit that isn't in accommodation to the Holy Spirit will consistently leave control.

Just admitting to myself that my physical cravings were constrained by my spirit, and not my soul, started to open a few parts of my life that had for some time been a puzzle to me.

Each time I'd open the pantry or ice chest the inquiry would come to me, "What is driving your hunger? Yearning or a craving to alleviate?"

Also, I've observed this to free, since it is superior to anything any eating routine I've at any point been on!

By distinguishing the wellspring of my physical cravings I can eat when I'm genuinely ravenous, without removing "awful nourishments". I can oppose the impulse to relieve with sustenance.

In any case, there's one greater component here that we need to inspect.

What is the genuine base of solace eating?

In such a case that we never answer that question, we'll find better approaches to calm our spirits.

Using sustenance to numb torment, comfort, or protect, or fulfill us is truly very little unique that utilizing medications or liquor for a similar reason.

The root is the equivalent: worshipful admiration. 

Going to any substance or action for solace, as opposed to going to Jesus Christ for mending, is excessive admiration. Sustenance, in this case, turns into our wellspring of solace and satisfaction. Yet, similarly as with any symbol, it's not genuine. It's not enduring and it prompts devastation.

To really start our weight reduction venture, we should start with atonement. Atoning for our excessive admiration. Atoning for going to anything other that Jesus Christ for our solace, bliss and satisfaction. Atonement for enabling our spirits to oversee our lives, and not the Holy Spirit in and through us.

Furthermore, when we do this, the change will last. Since genuine change starts in within first!

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